
things i will always be bad at

My new phone arrived in the mail today, which means that I now have to set it up. This is mostly a painless process, but there are a few annoying steps:

The thing that all of the above activities have in common is that they involve me forgetting to do something in preparation, jumping into the phone setup process, then having to backtrack and figure the thing out the hard way.

I think that there are a number of tasks like this, where they involve some amount of knowledge and care, but nobody does them often enough to be any good at them. Unfortunately, a lot of these tasks are very important and can cause a lot of problems if we do not do them well. Here are some examples:

How do we get good at these things? The obvious answer is practice - but in a lot of these cases, it would be for the best if they happened as rarely as possible. Another approach is to instead become someone who is an expert at helping other people face these situations. Unfortunately, such people cannot be trusted to always represent their clients best interests. There has to be another way...
